How To Care For Your Aging Skin During A Global Pandemic

Rachel Beavers
2 min readOct 23, 2020
  1. Don’t wash your face. Let the oils and dirt seep in for five to seven days, because you can’t be bothered to slap some Cetaphil on there and rub it around for 30 seconds.
  2. Freak out about the mask-shaped zits you’ve developed around your mouth and panic-buy The Ordinary’s entire skincare line, because it’s cheap and you saw something about it on TikTok.
  3. Scroll through TikTok again, even though you’re twenty-six years of age and your entire For You page can’t legally drink. Pretend like you’re looking for more skincare tips. End up on #DracoTok.
  4. Spend half an hour arranging your various lotions, creams, and serums on your toothpaste-stained bathroom counter. Don’t wash your face.
  5. Is that a wrinkle? Google “cheap, reliable botox in LA”. Check your bank account. Quietly close the botox tab on your browser.
  6. Dig up a bunch of old photos of yourself where your skin looks like it’s been through an Instagram filter. Rub the wrinkle on your forehead to see if it’s still there (it is).
  7. Run a bath and open a bottle of wine. Wash up to your neck — skip the face. Fall asleep in the tub, only to be jolted awake when you start to sink below the surface. Sputter and call out for your roommate, but then remember that she went home to North Carolina in March and hasn’t been back since. Go to bed without drying off; toss and turn in your damp sheets.
  8. Wake up feeling suspiciously cheery. Hum a Taylor Swift song on your way to the bathroom. Select a face wash from your fastidiously arranged collection, and follow it up with toner, serum, moisturizer. Brush your hair and, after some consideration, apply a coat of mascara.
  9. Go to bed with the mascara on. Wake up with smudgy black circles under your eyes. Don’t wash your face.



Rachel Beavers

Rachel lives in Los Angeles, where she spends most of her time abandoning craft projects, reading, and playing tennis.